Sherwood Woman Dies In Crash On I-475

A woman from Sher­wood was killed in a car crash Wednes­day after­noon. The Ohio State High­way Patrol says 50 year old Kelly Dar­nell was south­bound in a pickup truck on I-475, in Spring­field just before 4 Wednes­day after­noon, when she ran off the road, and the truck flipped over, then slammed into a van dri­ven by 31 year old Michael Leese of Maumee.

Police say Dar­nell was not wear­ing a seat belt, and she was tossed from the truck. She was pro­nounced dead at the scene of that crash.

A pas­sen­ger in Darnell’s pickup, 39 year old Joshua Cullen of Can­ton, was taken to a Toledo Hos­pi­tal with non-life threat­en­ing injuries. The other dri­ver… Leese, was treated for minor injuries at the scene. The crash is still under investigation.

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