Shooting Victim Still Hospitalized — Shooter Released From Prison

A Hicksville man is still in the hosp­tial, recov­er­ing from a shoot­ing March 16 at his home. 45 year old Gus Camp was listed in sta­ble con­di­tion at Lutheran Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne ear­lier this week. His mother, 71 year old Mar­garet Camp, is charged with shoot­ing her son Gus, at their home on East Cor­nelia Street in Hicksville. She was appre­hended and taken into cus­tody fol­low­ing that shoot­ing, and was held at CCNO, charged with felo­nious assault, a sec­ond degree felony. Her bond was set at $100,000 cash with a 10 per­cent allowance. Bond was posted and she has since been released from CCNO.

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