Slave Trail Freedom Walk Scheduled

In Syl­va­nia, the “Slave Trail Free­dom Walk” is set to be held on Aug. 14 begin­ning at 6PM, begin­ning at the Lath­rop House on Main Street, and con­clud­ing on the cam­pus of Flower Hos­pi­tal. The pur­pose of the walk is to edu­cate peo­ple to what orga­niz­ers say is the fact that slav­ery did not end with the under­ground rail­road — it still hap­pens today in the form of sex traf­fick­ing. Both the begin­ning point and the end point of the planned walk, were used to hide slaves as they trav­eled through Toledo on their way to free­dom in the north. The event is being pre­sented in coop­er­a­tion with the Friends of the Lath­rop House, St. Joseph’s Parish — Respect Life Com­mit­tee, Toledo School for the Arts, Lour­des Uni­ver­sity, The Fran­cis­can Cen­ter, Flower Hos­pi­tal and the Syl­va­nia His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. For more infor­ma­tion, go to

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