Smile At The Birdie In Antwerp

Fol­low­ing some recent van­dal­ism, cam­eras have now been installed at the vil­lage park in Antwerp.

Antwerp Police say a num­ber of van­dal­ism cases, includ­ing one inci­dent of a razor blade attached to a swing set, have been reported. Those inci­dents lead coun­cil to call for the instal­la­tion of cam­eras in the hopes of catch­ing peo­ple in the act.

Now, since the razor blade inci­dent was made pub­lic, a num­ber of area busi­nesses and orga­ni­za­tions have put money toward the cause.

The cam­eras are expected to be installed as soon as pos­si­ble. Police will be watching.

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