Span­gler Candy Com­pany of Bryan, which has long been a major pro­ducer of candy canes, is mak­ing some changes this year to its Dum Dums lol­lipops and Cir­cus Peanuts marsh­mal­low can­dies.

After 107 years in the candy busi­ness, Span­gler says it will dress up its two sta­ple can­dies for the Christ­mas sea­son by intro­duc­ing eight hol­i­day fla­vors of Dum Dums pops, plus peppermint-flavored Cir­cus Peanuts.

It’s believed to be the first time in the his­tory of Dum Dums that there has been a spe­cial holiday-season-themed fla­vor produced.

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