State Supreme Court Justice to Visit Bryan

Jus­tice Sharon Kennedy of the Ohio Supreme Court is com­ing to Bryan a week from today to meet the pub­lic. Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal is the host of the meet and greet with Kennedy and any­body who would like to meet a state supreme court judge can come chat with her. Jus­tice Kennedy is seek­ing a sec­ond full term on the high court in the Novem­ber elec­tion. She won 57% of the vote last time around. She’s a Repub­li­can and is opposed by a Demo­c­ra­tic State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive from War­ren, Tom Let­son. Judge can­di­dates are cho­sen in party pri­maries but in the gen­eral elec­tion no party will be listed by their names.

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