Steuben Cell Towers Get Go-Ahead

In Steuben County, three spe­cial excep­tion requests that would cover new 190 foot tall tow­ers cleared the County Plan Com­mis­sion on Wednes­day. By a unan­i­mous 5 to 0 vote, the Plan Com­mis­sion approved all three requests, say­ing they would not affect the county’s mas­ter plan.

Brian Don­nelly from Cen­tral States Tower, said the tow­ers will improve ser­vice on the Indi­ana Toll Road and on I-69, and would be of par­tic­u­lar ben­e­fit to Ver­i­zon Wire­less cus­tomers.

The rec­om­men­da­tions from the Plan Com­mis­sion will now be taken up by the Steuben County Board of Zon­ing Appeals next week.

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