Stolen: Log Splitter

The Ful­ton County Crime Stop­pers pro­gram has released some infor­ma­tion that they hope will help catch some peo­ple they say are respon­si­ble for a theft in the area.

In Jan­u­ary, a log split­ter was stolen in Meta­mora. The log split­ter is described as red in color, with a 6.5 horse power engine. It is mounted on wheels with a lock on the hitch, and has an esti­mated value of about $1,100.

If you have any infor­ma­tion that could lead to the arrest and indict­ment of any­one respon­si­ble, you should con­tact the Ful­ton County Crime Stop­per hot­line, 1–800-255‑1122. You could be eli­gi­ble for a reward of up to $1,000 cash. The call can be con­fi­den­tial and anonymous.

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