Many areas of north­west Ohio escaped seri­ous dam­age when a large line of severe thun­der­storms moved across the Mid­west, but two area coun­ties weren’t quite as lucky.

Locally, the hard­est hit area was Henry County, where the county dis­patch cen­ter reported heavy dam­age in some parts of the county. Sev­eral barns were report­edly downed by straight-line winds in the area of County Road H.

A trailer was knocked off its foun­da­tion by a downed tree on Ohio 109.

Power lines were also downed by the storm.

In Put­nam County, a house trailer was flipped over on County Road B-12. Three occu­pants of the home sus­tained injuries and were taken to area hos­pi­tals.

Minor storm dam­age was reported in Defi­ance, Pauld­ing and Williams counties.

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