A large pat­tern of storms felt across the entire Mid­west made itself known in Williams County Wednes­day night. The National Weather Ser­vice issued thun­der­storm and tor­nado warn­ings last evening and a flash flood watch was issued to remain in effect through 8am this morn­ing.

The tor­nado warn­ing was issued at 8:59 p.m. for parts of Defi­ance, Ful­ton, Henry and Williams Coun­ties. The weather ser­vices reported at 8:56 last evening, a severe thun­der­storm capa­ble of pro­duc­ing a tor­nado was located near Stryker.

A severe thun­der­storm watch was also in effect from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. for most coun­ties across North­west Ohio.

The weather ser­vice said smaller rivers and creeks could also expe­ri­ence rapid flooding.

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