Strange But True News From Bryan Police

Some inter­est­ing news from the local police blot­ter today…

Bryan Police report that early Fri­day morn­ing, a North Wal­nut Street res­i­dent of Bryan reported her vehi­cle was stolen by some­one she knew. Police located the vehi­cle and dri­ver who was in the process of return­ing the vehi­cle. The woman who reported the inci­dent declined to press charges. The same caller also reported her room­mate was out of con­trol, but the room­mate had fled before police arrived. We aren’t sure if it was in the caller’s car.

On Fri­day evening, police say some­one liv­ing on South Main Street in Bryan asked police to add an extra patrol near their home after they claimed some­body knocked on their door and then ran away.

And early Sat­ur­day morn­ing, the Williams County Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Agency claims a man called, asked the dispatcher’s name and said “You are about tor­ture and rape,” and hung up. Police rushed to the home of the sus­pected caller, where they dis­cov­ered he no longer lives there. No other infor­ma­tion was made avail­able about that.

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