Stryker’s annual home­com­ing cel­e­bra­tion is this week­end. It starts tomor­row with break­fast by the Boy Scouts at St. John Lutheran Church between 6 and 10am.

That will be fol­lowed by a fun run, a parade, a cruise-in, a bas­ket­ball tour­na­ment, a car wash, golf chip­ping game, arm wrestling, corn­hole, and more.

Of course there will be lots of ven­dors, clowns for the kids, and games.

There will even be a rum­mage sale at the school and garage sales all through­out the vil­lage of Stryker.

The Stryker Rotary Club will hold its annual new car raf­fle draw­ing for a 2013 Ford Mus­tang, and there’ll be live enter­tain­ment. Don’t miss Stryker Home­com­ing this week­end for good fam­ily fun.

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