The Barn robbery suspects nabbed

In a follow-up to a story we brought you yes­ter­day, two peo­ple have been taken into cus­tody in the rob­bery of The Barn car­ry­out in Defi­ance on Mon­day night. First, the man, 32-year-old Joshua Brown is being charged with the rob­bery. The woman, 29-year-old Sheri Kraegel, was arrested on an out­stand­ing war­rant from Defi­ance Munic­i­pal Court, and the sheriff’s office says more charges are pend­ing. The Sheriff’s Office cred­its The Barn’s video cam­eras for cap­tur­ing the vehi­cle used in the rob­bery, which pointed them to the sus­pects. Both of them are in the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.

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