A Pulaski man has now admit­ted that he’s respon­si­ble for being a part of some bur­glar­ies that were actu­ally com­mit­ted by a friend of his.

55 year old Tommy Yates plead guilty Mon­day in Williams County Court to obstruct­ing jus­tice and receiv­ing stolen prop­erty.

It all comes about after Yates’ friend, 22 year old Travis Hicks, moved in with Yates after com­ing to this area from Texas.

That’s when, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, folks liv­ing near Yates began miss­ing things from their garages and homes. Things like jew­elry boxes, flat-screen tele­vi­sions, lap­top com­put­ers, lawn mow­ers, car bat­ter­ies, tools, and even an alu­minum home­made trailer belong­ing to an elderly per­son.

Ear­lier this month, Hicks plead no con­test to related charges, for which he was sen­tenced to two years in prison.

Yates is due to be sen­tenced at 9 a.m. on Jan. 8. He also faces up to two years in prison.

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