Toxic Algae Not An Issue In Williams County

While toxic algae is caus­ing some con­cerns in Ohio and sur­round­ing states, The Bryan Times reports that Williams County has not detected any algae blooms so far. Mean­while, the Asso­ci­ated Press is report­ing today that a toxic algae out­break, which was detected two months ago, spread more than 600 miles down the Ohio River through four states, and it should be a warn­ing to cities that get their drink­ing water sup­ply from lakes, rivers and man-made reser­voirs. Accord­ing to the paper, Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties gets its drink­ing water from seven arte­sian wells with an aver­age depth of 131 feet, and while other areas around the state have been affected, Williams County has been safe.

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