The Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion is plan­ning some con­struc­tion projects in the area which will be caus­ing some traf­fic detours.

Begin­ning Mon­day, April 15th and through the end of the month, South River Road (for­merly US 24) from Henry Lucas County line Road to Providence-Neapolis-Swanton Road will be closed for cul­vert replace­ment.

Effec­tive April 22 through August, expect inter­mit­tent lane restric­tions on South River Road/Anthony Wayne Trail (for­merly US 24) from Henry Lucas County line Road to Dutch Road for resur­fac­ing. Traf­fic will be main­tained by flag­gers. Addi­tional clo­sures for cul­vert repair will be announced.

Offi­cials say all work is weather permitting.

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