Traffic Fatality Over The Weekend

A man from Per­rys­burg is dead fol­low­ing a crash in Ful­ton County.

The High­way Patrol says 62 year old Irvin E. Hughes died as a result of injuries sus­tained in the crash, which hap­pened around 4:30 Fri­day after­noon on U.S. 20 near Ful­ton County Road 8.

Police say Hughes was east­bound on U.S. 20 when he crossed the cen­ter line and slammed into a west­bound trac­tor trailer dri­ven by 47 year old Allen Reynolds Jr of Muncy, Penn­syl­va­nia.

The semi then flipped, spilling its load of coal into a field, but Reynolds was not hurt.

Police say alco­hol is not sus­pected to be a fac­tor and the crash remains under investigation.

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