Troopers Unite For Highway Effort

The Ohio State High­way Patrol joined forces with mem­bers of the 6-State Trooper Project for a high-visibility enforce­ment effort focused on crash caus­ing vio­la­tions from Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 21st, at 12:01 a.m. through Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 23rd, at 11:59 p.m. Troop­ers tar­geted safety belt, aggres­sive dri­ving and OVI– related vio­la­tions along the Inter­state 75 cor­ri­dor. The ini­tia­tive included mem­bers of the Michi­gan State Police, Ken­tucky State Police and the Ohio State High­way Patrol.

Dur­ing the effort, offi­cers in all three states handed out 2,086 speed cita­tions, 332 safety belt vio­la­tions and arrested 86 impaired dri­vers. Of those, troop­ers in Ohio con­tributed 796 speed cita­tions, 90 safety belt vio­la­tions and 16 impaired dri­ving arrests.

The multi-state law enforce­ment part­ner­ship, accord­ing to offi­cials, is aimed at pro­vid­ing com­bined and coor­di­nated law enforce­ment and secu­rity ser­vices in the areas of high­way safety, crim­i­nal patrol and intel­li­gence sharing

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