Two in custody in sex crime case in Branch County

Michi­gan State Police have made two arrests fol­low­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion into alleged crim­i­nal sex­ual con­duct and extor­tion. A third sus­pect is the sub­ject of a search.
State Police said in a release yes­ter­day that the case goes back at least eight years. The alleged crimes took place in Branch County’s Bethel Town­ship with a woman who is now 22-years-old.
44-year-old David Paul Green of Cold­wa­ter is fac­ing four counts of third degree crim­i­nal sex­ual con­duct in con­nec­tion with alleged mul­ti­ple sex­ual assault inci­dents between 2006 and 2009.
Troop­ers say the alleged vic­tim claims Green also took nude pho­tos of her dur­ing that time.
69-year-old Gene Matthew Keith of Cold­wa­ter, a reg­is­tered sex offender who was a neigh­bor of the alleged vic­tim, is fac­ing four felony counts of Child Sex­u­ally Abu­sive Activ­ity and for being an Habit­ual Offender.
He is also accused of allegedly tak­ing nude pho­tos of her when she was 13-years-old in exchange for money.
Mean­while, Keith and Green both told State Police that the alleged vic­tims mother allegedly tried to get $5,000 from each man or else she would report the inci­dents to police.
She is fac­ing a two count felony war­rant for extortion.
Keith was arrested last week while Green turned him­self in on Wednesday.
Both are being held in the Branch County Jail.

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