Two Sentenced For Garage Break-In

Two men, one from Bryan and one from Defi­ance, were sen­tenced in Ful­ton County Com­mon Pleas Court. 18 year old James Black of Bryan, was sen­tenced to two years com­mu­nity con­trol for break­ing and enter­ing and theft. Pros­e­cu­tors say Black broke into a Delta garage back in Jan­u­ary, where he stole a gas can. His co-defendant, 21 year old Schuy­lar Win­kler, of Defi­ance, got handed 11 months behind bars. Win­kler was found guilty of being a part of the break in and theft that hap­pened on Jan­u­ary 27th. He was caught later that same day, dri­ving a stolen vehi­cle, and in pos­ses­sion of meth.

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