United Way Kicks Off Defiance Drive

The United Way of Defi­ance County has kicked off the 2014–15 cam­paign. This year’s cam­paign is enti­tled “Tak­ing Action and Chang­ing Lives in Defi­ance County.“

Dona­tions to the United Way help fund 22 pro­grams with agency and com­mu­nity part­ners. The cam­paign goal this year is to get 500 new donors to give a gift of any amount.

Offi­cials say even a $5 dona­tion to the United Way can make a big impact. Five dol­lars can get a patient to a chemother­apy appoint­ment, pro­vide a week­end of nutri­tious food for a child dur­ing the school year, or pro­vide 250 min­utes of toll-free refer­ral or cri­sis help from 2–1-1.

The United Way is encour­ag­ing new donors to start by giv­ing $1 a pay­check.

To donate or for more infor­ma­tion, call 419–782-3510.

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