United Way of Williams County News

The fundraising campaign for The United Way of Williams County is almost complete, but according to United Way officials, if you haven’t yet given, it’s still not too late.

According to the Bryan Times, the campaign has hit 95.1 percent of the goal of $316,000, and now has $300,649 banked as of last Friday.

Officials say they are optimistic that the goal will be reached by the end of this month with last minute donations.

You can make a donation to the local United Way by going on-line to www.unitedwaywc.org. Donations also may be sent to the United Way, P.O. Box 525, 108 E. Butler St., Bryan, and you can call them at 419-636-8603.

Money raised during the campaign will help fund 26 local organizations and agencies in 2014.

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