United Way of Williams County orga­niz­ers now say that time to con­tribute to this year’s goal is grow­ing short.

As of Fri­day, the cam­paign stood at 83.1, hav­ing raised $262,448.52 toward the $316,000 goal.

Orga­niz­ers say they are in the final phase of the 2013 cam­paign and if you have not yet sent a check or made a pledge, there is still time.

One final let­ter will be going out this week to past donors who may have mis­placed their ear­lier let­ter, or maybe have for­got­ten, as the United Way hopes to have the cam­paign wrapped up by the end of this month.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the WBNO-WQCT Bliz­zard Auc­tion pro­ceeds this year will be a big ben­e­fit to the United Way of Williams County.

Bliz­zard Auc­tion pro­ceeds do not go to the United Way gen­eral fund. Instead, the money raised by the auc­tion will stay in Williams County.

Dona­tions are still being sought for the Jan­u­ary 25th auc­tion, and dona­tion links are on line at www.unitedwaywc.org

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