Vacant Jonesville Factory to Become Apartment Housing

A fac­tory in Jonesville is get­ting a sec­ond lease on life. The for­mer Kid­die Brush & Toy fac­tory is being repur­posed for hous­ing, with 50 new apart­ments planned to be ready for occu­pancy this com­ing spring. Jonesville offi­cials say the project has been in the works for a long time and that they are excited to see it become real­ity. The fac­tory was built in the 1800s but has been idle and empty since the 1970s. Dur­ing the building’s life, it has pro­duced wag­ons, sleighs, car­riages, and cars before turn­ing out parts for Bar­bie dolls and accessories.

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Williams Co. Commissioners hold second hearing on proposed projects.

The Williams County commissioners Tuesday held the second hearing on proposed projects for a critical …