Veterans Day in Bryan

In honor of Vet­er­ans Day today, a trav­el­ing memo­r­ial is on dis­play at the Edger­ton high school gym today and through the rest of the week. The exhibit called “The Eyes of Free­dom: Lima Com­pany Memo­r­ial” hon­ors Lima’s 3rd Bat­tal­ion, 25th Marine Corps Reg­i­ment which suf­fered the high­est casu­alty rate of any mil­i­tary unit dur­ing the Iraq war. A Vet­er­ans Day pro­gram begins at 1 p.m. today, fea­tur­ing music from the ele­men­tary bands and choirs, the high school band and Mike Strahle of Bryan, the direc­tor of the trav­el­ing exhibit. Other Vet­er­ans Day activ­i­ties include a chili cook-off in Mont­pe­lier from 5–7 p.m. on Empire St.

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