Voter Turnout Reports Indicate About 1/2 Showed At Polls

The num­bers are back, and now we know that voter par­tic­i­pa­tion in this fall’s elec­tion was around 50 per­cent. The fig­ures include those who voted before Tues­day. About half of Defi­ance County’s 24,448 reg­is­tered vot­ers did vote this fall, and in Pauld­ing County, voter turnout was just over 50 per­cent as well. The high­est voter turnout was in Put­nam County, where voter turnout approached 58 per­cent. In Henry County, it was a bit under 50 per­cent, and in Ful­ton and Williams coun­ties, just under 48 per­cent of eli­gi­ble vot­ers went to the polls.

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