Fire and water were dis­cussed at the Hicksville Vil­lage Coun­cil meet­ing Mon­day. Coun­cil mem­bers got an update on the vil­lage flood­ing sit­u­a­tion.

Coun­cil dis­cussed a June 28 let­ter from the Ohio EPA fol­low­ing a com­pli­ance inspec­tion of the village’s waste water treat­ment plant. The EPA let­ter sug­gests Hicksville is still in a state of “sig­nif­i­cant non­com­pli­ance” regard­ing flood­ing issues.

The next step is for a new long-term con­trol plan to be writ­ten and sub­mit­ted to the EPA as soon as pos­si­ble regard­ing steps to cor­rect water problems.

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