Water Issues Need To Be Addressed

Den­nis Miller, from the Maumee Val­ley Plan­ning Orga­ni­za­tion, met with Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers Thurs­day after­noon. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, there’s a prob­lem that needs some seri­ous atten­tion.

Miller said that in 2006 the North­west Water Dis­trict bor­rowed $2.2 mil­lion from the Ohio Water Devel­op­ment Agency to finance a water treat­ment plant north of Edon. It also accepted a $490,000 from the state to cre­ate 73 new jobs for a pro­posed Fly­ing J truck plaza at the same loca­tion.

How­ever, the plaza was never built and the jobs were never cre­ated. Mean­while, the water treat­ment plant was com­pleted in 2009 but it still sits idle. The loan needs to be repaid and if those 73 jobs aren’t cre­ated the state will ask for its grant back.

Fly­ing J declared bank­ruptcy in 2009.

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