Waterloo man in crash arrested next day for drugs

Just across the bor­der in Water­loo, Indi­ana, a man involved in a traf­fic crash on Sat­ur­day night was arrested Sun­day after the county sher­iff fol­lowed up on the crash at his home and found pot grow­ing in the man’s home. Deputies arrested Paulus Gene Sheets on six felony counts. Deputies found 22 mar­i­juana plants along with a large amount of mar­i­juana grow­ing equip­ment, drug para­pher­na­lia, pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tion and a large amount of raw mar­i­juana. The man’s daugh­ter was also in the home.

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DeWine signs 29 bills into law Wednesday.

Gov. Mike DeWine signed more than two dozen bills into law on Wednesday. In total, …