Wauseon Getting $$

Things are look­ing good in Wauseon, and soon, with the help of a $300,000 grant from the state, they will look even bet­ter.

Wauseon has been awarded the grant money from the state of Ohio, to be used to fund down­town revi­tal­iza­tion projects.

Ten com­mu­ni­ties were in the run­ning for the Com­mu­nity Devel­op­ment Block Grant, and Wauseon was one of five cho­sen to get the cash.

The city was informed of the grant on Mon­day, and now the money will pro­vide match­ing funds to help down­town build­ing own­ers make improve­ments, such as fresh coats of paint, energy effi­ciency improve­ments, win­dow repair and more.

The grant is in addi­tion to the $100,000 of CDBG fund­ing already allo­cated to Ful­ton County.

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