Wauseon Man Indicted For Involuntary Manslaughter

A grand jury this week, handed down an indicte­ment against a Delta man for allegedly caus­ing the death of a Wauseon man last month.

Dale Sil­veous Jr. is charged with invol­un­tary manslaugh­ter, a first-degree felony; reck­less homi­cide, a third-degree felony; two counts of traf­fick­ing in heroin, both fifth-degree felonies; and pos­ses­sion of heroin, also a fifth-degree felony.

Pros­e­cu­tors say back in Octo­ber, Sil­veous allegedly sold or offered to sell heroin, which in turn caused the death of 20 year old Matthew Knierim.

Sil­veous is due back in Ful­ton County Court on Jan. 2 for a pre­trial hear­ing. Oth­ers indicted this week, on var­i­ous charges, include:

22 year old Chelsea Green of Delta; 21 year old Melvin Ray­oum III of Swan­ton; 25 year old Anthony Cranston of Delta;

20 year old Brit­tany Mull of Wauseon; 45 year old Myron Gar­bers of Delta; 22 year old Karie Ann Massie of Wauseon; 54 year old Michael Kreuz of Wauseon; 36 year old Crys­tal Nofziger of Wauseon; 35 year old Richard Mosher III of Wauseon; and 18 year old Zack McClain of Fayette.

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