Weather Causes Road Issues

A win­try storm caused haz­ardous con­di­tions through­out our area over the week­end, and caused the can­cel­la­tion or post­pone­ment of many events from school bas­ket­ball games to hol­i­day events.

Area sheriff’s offices and police depart­ments issued advi­sories. Williams County was oper­at­ing on a level two snow emer­gency, mean­ing the road­ways were haz­ardous with blow­ing and drift­ing snow.

Oper­at­ing on a level one advi­sory were Defi­ance and Put­nam coun­ties, as well as the cities of Wauseon and Napoleon.

The city of Defi­ance is under a snow emer­gency until fur­ther notice.

Area 9–1-1 dis­patch­ers reported numer­ous acci­dents related to the slip­pery roadways.

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