If you’re look­ing for a career change and you are fascinated by the weather, you just might want to talk to the folks at the National Weather Ser­vice.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the agency is look­ing for some­body who would like to take over weather obser­va­tion duties for the Stryker area.

The pay isn’t all that much. In fact, it’s a vol­un­teer posi­tion. The weather ser­vice is look­ing for some­one who can report sta­tis­tics such as daily tem­per­a­ture, pre­cip­i­ta­tion totals and snow depth.

The mate­ri­als, equip­ment, and train­ing is all pro­vided by the NWS.

Across the county, more than 11,000 vol­un­teers take obser­va­tions on farms, and in urban and sub­ur­ban areas, in what is strictly an all-volunteer net­work.

If you think you might be inter­ested, call 574–834-1104 ext. 327 for more information.

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