The Williams County Board of Health met on Tues­day.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the board is con­sid­er­ing the pur­chase of a new com­puter sys­tem. Two bids were con­sid­ered, how­ever the dis­cus­sion was tabled until board mem­bers can get more infor­ma­tion.

Board mem­bers were also brought up to date about a large event set to take place in two years in Williams County.

It’s a “test run” of the Guard Core, a group from the Ohio National Guard, who will set up and con­duct a real med­ical out­reach as if a real emer­gency had hap­pened. Groups have already begun to coor­di­nate for the event includ­ing the Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency, Red Cross, Hos­pi­tal Coun­cil of North­west Ohio and health depart­ments from Ful­ton, Defi­ance, Henry, Pauld­ing and Put­nam coun­ties.

The next board meet­ing will be held Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Mont­pe­lier branch office.

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