Williams County Conducting YMCA Survey

The Williams County Fam­ily YMCA is seek­ing out ways it can bet­ter serve the com­mu­nity, and ask­ing for local feed­back.

The Y has been doing a sur­vey and is now look­ing for a wider sam­ple to get ideas for future improve­ments.

The Bryan Times reports that YMCA offi­cials are wait­ing to see the sur­vey results before decid­ing on any improve­ments.

The sur­vey of Williams County res­i­dents is com­pletely anony­mous.

Although the national YMCA pro­vided the sur­vey tem­plate, local offi­cials said the results will be kept in the com­mu­nity.

The sur­vey takes only about five min­utes to com­plete and is avail­able online at http://surveys.ymcaexchange.org/f/173741/2fe2/

If you want more info, call the YMCA at 419–636-6185.

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