Williams County Sheriff Details Scam

The Williams County Sheriff’s Office found itself wrapped up in a phone scam. Some­body who went by the name “Vivian Green” has been call­ing folks lately, and iden­ti­fy­ing her­self as some­one work­ing for the Williams County Sheriff’s Office, and in those calls, this woman… Vivian Green if you will, tells the peo­ple she calls that imme­di­ate legal action will be taken against them if they don’t pay some delin­quent tax she claims they owe. Williams County Sher­iff Steve Towns on Thurs­day, said it’s sim­ply another in a long list of scams that seem to pop up around this time each year. The sher­iff reminds peo­ple that his office is not a col­lec­tion agency, that they don’t col­lect past due money for any­one, includ­ing the city, county, or the IRS. The Sher­iff says even if they do have to serve you with a court war­rant, they are not going to call you first. He also says, in the rare instances when they do have to phone some­one, they don’t threaten them. Vivan Green how­ever, tells those she calls that they have thirty min­utes to pay up or else! He says those that she has called, say she gets nasty and threat­ens them. If you get such a call, sim­ply hang up and then imme­di­ately call the Williams County Sher­iff at 419–636-3151.

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