The Williams County Board of Elec­tions has released infor­ma­tion say­ing that the dead­line to get on the Novem­ber 5th gen­eral elec­tion bal­lot is 4 p.m. August 7th.

In order to get on the bal­lot, county offi­cials say that you need to come into the office, sign for your petion, and also pay the fil­ing fees. The total num­ber of sig­na­tures that you will need to acquire on your peti­tion, accord­ing to the Board of Elec­tions, varies depend­ing upon which office you are seek­ing.

The Board of Elec­tions will meet on August 19th at which time they will cer­tify all qual­i­fied sub­mit­ted peti­tions. Then, cer­ti­fied can­di­dates’ names will be announced.

For more infor­ma­tion or to obtain a bal­lot, con­tact the board at 419–636-1854 or by email at williams@ohiosecretaryofstate.gov.

The Williams County Board of Elec­tions office is at 228 S. Main Street in Bryan, in the North­west Ohio Job Cen­ter, and is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon­day through Friday.

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