Two fires and a two car col­li­sion kept emer­gency respon­ders in Williams County busy Tues­day after­noon.

Just before 3pm, Edger­ton fire­fight­ers were called out to a blaze at a mobile home on County Road 9 just south of Ohio 24. No one was home at the time and no injuries were reported. That fire started in a garage at the home owned by Dustin Carr. The mobile home was a total loss accord­ing to the Bryan Times.

Later yes­ter­day after­noon, around 4pm, Edon fire crews were called to a fire on Indi­ana Street in Edon where a garage was burn­ing.

The owner of the gar­gage, Jerry Hawkins, was treated for smoke inhala­tion. No other injuries there were reported.

The garage and its con­tents were a total loss. The cause has not yet been deter­mined.

Mean­while, High­way Patrol troop­ers reported that at 3:58 p.m. two vehi­cles col­lided north of Blakeslee. No one was injured in that accident.

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