Windmill Museum Needs Fundraising Help

Fifty-three wind­mills are in need of restora­tion at Mid-America Wind­mill Museum in Kendal­lville. Over half need sig­nif­i­cant repairs, and a restora­tion expert has told the museum that fail­ure to fix the machines will mean only another five years or so of oper­a­tion. After that, those wind­mills will be beyond repair. So, the museum is hold­ing a fundraiser, and a Fort Wayne-based foun­da­tion has offered a $50,000 match­ing grant for dona­tions that come in from the com­mu­nity. The museum hopes to have all work com­pleted in time for the Inter­na­tional Wind­millers’ Trade Fair in 2017.

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Mary Louise (Moor) Flynn, 95

Mary L. Flynn, 95, of Bryan and formerly of Montpelier passed away on Sunday, January …