Woman Jailed Following Hicksville Shooting

A shoot­ing in Hicksville leaves one man seri­ously injured, and his mother in cus­tody. 45 year old Gus Camp was listed Mon­day night as being in “crit­i­cal” con­di­tion at Fort Wayne’s Lutheran Hos­pi­tal, after he was shot by his 71 year old mother, Mar­garet Camp at her home on Cor­nelia Street in Hicksville. It hap­pened just after 5:30 yes­ter­day after­noon, and Camp’s injuries, accord­ing to inves­ti­ga­tors, are con­sid­ered life threat­en­ing. Mar­garet Camp is being charged with felo­nious assault, which is a sec­ond degree felony. She was taken to CCNO where she was locked up behind bars on the charge. The inves­ti­ga­tion is just get­ting under­way, but so far, we know that Gus Camp has a reather exten­sive crim­i­nal record, includ­ing a con­vic­tion in 2003 on a charge of attempted felo­nious assault, for which he was sen­tenced to four years in prison. Before that, Gus Camp was con­victed in 2001, of aggra­vated men­ac­ing and crim­i­nal dam­ag­ing. He was also con­victed again in 2010 of aggra­vated men­ac­ing and domes­tic vio­lence. On top of all that, a charge of aggra­vated men­ac­ing was dis­missed in 2014.

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