Woman sentenced to 2 years in April drug bust

One of three peo­ple arrested last April when a metham­phet­a­mine lab was found in a room at the Ramada Inn north of Angola was sen­tenced on Mon­day in Steuben Cir­cuit Court.

21-year-old Des­ti­nee Lynn Hull was told to serve two years of a six year sen­tence after she entered a guilty plea to a level five felony of aid­ing in the man­u­fac­ture of methamphetamine.

Four years of the sen­tence was sus­pended by Judge Allen Wheat and Hull was placed on two years probation.

In exchange for the guilty plea, pros­e­cu­tors dis­missed charges of pos­ses­sion of meth and pos­ses­sion of paraphernalia.

Hull was given credit for 44 days already served.

Accord­ing to the Steuben County Sher­iffs Depart­ment, a “one pot” metham­phet­a­mine lab, chem­i­cal reagents, asso­ci­ated para­pher­na­lia and metham­phet­a­mine were located in the room.

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