If you can’t buy it this week­end along US-127, then you prob­a­bly don’t need it.

What’s billed as “The World’s Longest Yard Sale” is being held this week­end along US-127 stretch­ing from Addi­son, Michi­gan all the way south to Gads­den, Alabama, and it passes through our area.

West Unity, Pulaski, Bryan, Sher­wood, Stryker… all will be tak­ing part.

The sale, which started over 26 years ago, is intended to get peo­ple off the inter­state and into small towns.

Before Inter­state 75 was built, US-127 was a major route. Now, it’s just another coun­try road, mak­ing for the per­fect yard sale run­ning hun­dreds of miles.

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