Wreath-laying this Saturday at Riverside Cemetery

To honor fallen vet­er­ans, a wreath-laying cer­e­mony is planned for this Sat­ur­day in Defi­ance at River­side Ceme­tery in the vet’s sec­tion. The cer­e­mony orig­i­nated at Arling­ton National Ceme­tery in 1992. The wreaths will arrive Fri­day by truck, and vol­un­teers will lay them begin­ning 11 a.m. Sat­ur­day. A cer­e­mony will wrap up the activ­ity at Noon.

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Mary Louise (Moor) Flynn, 95

Mary L. Flynn, 95, of Bryan and formerly of Montpelier passed away on Sunday, January …