4-Year-Old Credited With Saving Mom’s Life

A young child is being hailed as a hero after his quick think­ing likely saved his mother’s life.

4 year old Tris­ton Schilt told his bus dri­ver, Mike Mer­i­cle, who had just picked him up for preschool one day in Sep­tem­ber, that his mother was lying on the floor and shak­ing, with spit com­ing out of her mouth. Mer­i­cle quickly made a call, and author­i­ties quickly found Schilt’s mother, Dar­cie Ripke, on the floor of their home, hav­ing a seizure.

The Cres­cent News reports that because of their actions, Tris­ton and Mer­i­cle were both hon­ored in a spe­cial cer­e­mony at Oak­wood Ele­men­tary School, where both Tris­ton and his brother, Brax­ton, attend classes.

Ripke is cur­rently on med­ica­tion, and she has not had a seizure since then.

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