Auburn Man Injured In Moped Crash

A man was treated at a hos­pi­tal for injuries after he crashed his moped early Mon­day morn­ing.

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Depart­ment reports that 54 year old Ronald Rod­man of Auburn was south­bound on County Road 23, just south of County Road 48 just after 6 yes­ter­day morn­ing, when he lost con­trol on a curve and drove off the road, slam­ming into an old con­crete rail­road util­ity pole. The impact sent Rod­man about 15 feet from the moped. Rod­man suf­fered bruises and a cut to his fore­head. Police say he was not wear­ing a hel­met. He was taken by ambu­lance to Parkview Regional Med­ical Cen­ter for treatment.

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