Assitant Living CenterSwitches Directors

Bryan’s direc­tor of the Hill­side County Liv­ing facil­ity on County Road 16 in Bryan is gone, sub­mit­ting his res­ig­na­tion after the Ohio Depart­ment of Health dis­cov­ered his administrator’s license had expired. Jef­frey Wan­ge­ness is out, and for­mer admin­is­tra­tor Mar­cia Hauer is back in. The health depart­ment came to Hill­side to check out an anony­mous com­plaint about the food and din­ing ser­vices at the facil­ity. They did not sub­stan­ti­ate the com­plaint but did uncover the expired license. Ms. Hauer was admin­is­tra­tor for more than two decades before being replaced a year ago.

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