Williams County Sheriff Warns Of Scams

The Williams County Sheriff’s Office is warn­ing of some scams. Accord­ing to Sher­iff Steven Towns, typ­i­cal scams involve dri­ve­way seal­ing, yard work and tree trim­ming, and roof, barn or house paint­ing or repair. The sheriff’s office has already received tips on dri­ve­way scams so far this sea­son.

Towns urges the pub­lic to “do a lit­tle bit of home­work” on legit­i­macy and qual­ity of work before accept­ing the ser­vice. Not all con­trac­tors or tech­ni­cal sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tives are scams, but if you sus­pect crim­i­nal activ­ity, ask your neigh­bors or check with the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau.

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