New Bryan School Making Good Progress

In Bryan, the new 6–12 school build­ing project is mov­ing for­ward nicely. The walls are going up, and the foun­da­tions are almost com­plete. The Bryan Times reports that the project is on sched­ule. Seed­ing of top soil should begin soon, then heavy mate­ri­als will begin to arrive as the 150,000 square foot build­ing project con­tin­ues. Work­ers have already asphalted the roads out­side of the con­struc­tion zones. The road that is now located where the old play­ground and older bike path was, that extended from the mid­dle school out to Car­di­nal Drive, will be open for stu­dents to walk on, but par­ents are requested to not drive on that road yet. Accord­ing to the paper, the build­ing remains on track to be uti­lized in the 2016–2017 school year.

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