A Very High Level Visit

Both the cur­rent Gov­er­nor, and the Lt. Gov­er­nor, made cam­paign stops in north­west Ohio this week.

Gov­er­nor Kasich and Lt Gov­er­nor Mary Tay­lor stopped by the Han­cock County Repub­li­can head­quar­ters in Find­lay on Wednes­day, then went on to Arch­bold where they spoke at a Ful­ton County Get Out the Vote event.

Tay­lor talked about an improved state econ­omy, suc­cess in job cre­ation and a bal­anced bud­get over the last four years.

In her speech, she also urged young adults to take an active role in democ­racy.

The Gov­er­nor, spoke about Ohio’s bal­anced bud­get, say­ing he does not intend to spend the state’s $1.5 bil­lion sur­plus right away. He said it gives the state a buffer when faced with chal­lenges that can crop up unex­pect­edly.

The Gov­er­nor also talked about the state’s ongo­ing war against drugs that has involved law enforce­ment offi­cials at both the state and local lev­els, say­ing new laws now make it tougher for peo­ple to obtain and abuse pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions, which has, unfor­tu­nately, led many peo­ple to heroin.

The Gov­er­nor said that in order to com­bat drugs and other issues in the state, it’s impor­tant for com­mu­ni­ties to start talk­ing and reach­ing out to one another.

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