Accused Murderer Held On $2 Million Bond

A Mont­pe­lier man who is a sus­pect in a Williams County mur­der inves­ti­ga­tion was ordered on Thurs­day after­noon, to be held on a $2 mil­lion bond dur­ing his ini­tial appear­ance in Bryan Munic­i­pal Court. 22-year-old Bradly Gilbert waived extra­di­tion last week in Surry County, North Car­olina where he was arrested on Octo­ber 25th. Gilbert is being held at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. He’s now charged in con­nec­tion with the mur­der of 28-year-old Jonathan M. Hofner of Wauseon, whose body was found along the St. Joseph River Trail on the north side of Mont­pe­lier. Accord­ing to media reports in North Car­olina, when arrested, Gilbert admit­ted that he had killed a man in Mont­pe­lier and that the body could be found on a remote walk­ing trail.

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